Dear Visitor,
August 9, 2020 – this page is under construction now. I am transferring the useful info from here to my new Page BOOKS FOR SALE with “Buy Now” buttons. In the light of the fact that ALL my books now being taken from me by amazon and its distributors, like Ingram, AbeBooks, B n N, Book Depository and many other book vendors, big and small, across the world. We are not talking about best-sellers here. We are talking about educational books based on classics in a few languages with my notes on vocabulary, grammar, and culture.
All what is follows below this paragraph here currently is being reviewed by me and, basically, not for a reader but for me – I do not want to lose valuable dates or facts since I am now in this big case with amazon fighting for my intellectual property. In two words, what is going on if you have not read my articles that are scattered here and on public platforms for the last two months – 1) I, the author, Zoia Eliseyeva (Sproesser before 2014) do not have access to buy my author’s copies. I need to buy my own books from retailers. 2) Distributors have my all files from amazon (CreateSpace in the years 2010-2017) now and they are actively advertising them and selling them – in USA and world-wide. You can see 25 different titles of mine on AbeBooks advertised by them on their 5 different countries/languages websites. It is a big pirating operation going on with Abe, and my case/claim is on the desk of their copyright department. This is after two-month humiliating for the author correspondence with them – asking, begging them to stop selling my books. My books can be in two, three, four, or five languages. It makes a lot of sense to sell my books at European, Asian, Arabic, and South American countries of the world. I just ordered a few of my 1st edition books from different retailers by retail prices – specifically to trace the process of pirating my new books while pocketing the profits by the above mentioned “businesses”. Does it qualify for a business – to take live author’s files, and sell them without sharing with the author? When I asked numerous times those businesses to take off my books from their sales – they answer negatively every time. Selling my name and my brains and openly denying to communicate with me – how about those apples? Zoia Eliseyeva on August 9, 2020 from USA
ARCHIVE: will be removed soon after organizing all info
I have a few books that I authored – at home. They are for sale.
Mostly they are 1st editions of my books that have my previous last name on them, so the author will look like “Zoia Sproesser”. In 2014 I divorced Sproesser and took back my maiden name – Eliseyeva. After December 2014 I re-published a few of my books with “Zoia Eliseyeva” as author on them. However, I did not republish all of my books, that are about 20 by now, so a reader can find my books with the both last names online. I tried to discontinue the 1st edition with “Zoia Sproesser” on it for those titles which I republished as Zoia Eliseyeva.
At home I do have a few books of the 1st editions, like “Chekhov and Goncharov – Russian-English”, or “Moidodir – Russian-English”, or The Masque of Red Death – 5 languages (Eng-Ger-Fre-Spa-Rus). Actually, “The Masque…” I created already after December 2014, so the name on it can only be Zoia Eliseyeva.
I will edit this article to enclose the list of my books on sale with prices. I just wanted to let the visitor of my site know that I do not have drastic* measures with customers like Amazon does. If you order my book, I will just send it to you from a local post-office with the shipping charge as $3.00. It is hard to tell exact shipping charge until one is at a post office with that book, however, for one book it is unlikely will be higher than that.
I will start the list with the book that I have mentioned.
LIST of my books for sale:
Attention, visitors! My List will be adding, as I have time. I just started here with my first book. (Jan. 3 2019) The list will go from down to up. You will always see the last post on the top, and the very first you will find on the bottom.

5 Languages Book ENGLISH – GERMAN – FRENCH – SPANISH – RUSSIAN: The Masque of Red Death (Story by Edgar Allan Poe) (Five Languages Books) (Volume 2) (Paperback)
by Zoia Eliseyeva (Author)
Book Description:
The five languages book “The Masque of the Red Death” is devoted to Edgar Poe’s story – a rich multilingual reading and studying experience! It is recommended for students, professors, and all people (adults or teenagers), who are interested in the presented languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian. The languages belong to three different language groups: Germanic, Romance, Slavic. The comparison of the translations will bring to a reader an incomparable experience of language study while enjoying reading the complete text story by the brilliant unique American author. Take it with you on an uninhabited island! Your life will be more entertaining than that of the Robinson Crusoe, because it will take you a long time to figure out the five languages, unless you have already devoted significant time and effort to each of the five. For the convenience of the reader who wants to concentrate on just one language, each of the 5 translations is also reproduced, at the back of the book, in an uninterrupted text format. The book also has some entertaining multilingual comparative vocabulary exercises with the answers – across the five languages. Zoia Eliseyeva (Sproesser, Burkhart by marriages) has been writing since 1996, and her multilingual books (over 20) have been contributing to the language study in USA, Russia, and around the world for quite a few years. Zoia has Master’s Degree in Education and has been appreciated by her students of English, Russian, and Spanish languages in Europe, USA, and Mexico.
ISBN-13: 978-1544155128 ISBN-10: 1544155123
Product details
- Series: Five Languages Books (Book 2)
- Paperback: 174 pages
- Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (February 25, 2017)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1544155123
- ISBN-13: 978-1544155128
- Product Dimensions: 8 x 0.4 x 10 inches
Price: $11.00 – includes Shipping/Handling, Ships from Arizona or California.

Here I have a rhetorical question: Why is the Kindle edition 2 times shorter in number of pages than a paperback? Because they “crumple” all the text? In that case, this parallel text may not lay out well in e-format, unless e-format pages are 2 times longer/bigger in size. The whole idea of English and Russian parallel text of this book is to see simultaneously English paragraph and the corresponding to it Russian paragraph.
I am very sorry for the formatting of this text – it is uncontrollable! I try to click Block, I try to click Document and the pasted text is not possible to format better. WordPress obviously thinks that a simple mortal teacher has to be a computer engineer familiar with HTML formatting. I once had a textbook of HTML language in my hands, and I assure you it was far from enjoyable reading. I fell into boredom on the second huge page of that textbook and stopped reading. One cannot make himself or herself learn that one finds boring to death. That’s for sure. January 6, 2019. Yours truly, ZE PS I cannot even put “Yours truly” on a new line! If I try to make such a brave step – I am being immediately kicked out of this strange red brick color I have chosen for this paragraph. 😀 С улыбкой по жизни! 😀
Enjoy Reading Russian Classical Literature
(Russian and English Edition) with Page-for-Page
English Translation Bilingual Edition by Zoia Sproesser
Product details
Paperback: 56 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; Bilingual edition (July 14, 2010)
Language: Russian, English
ISBN-10: 1453683291 ISBN-13: 978-1453683293
Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.1 x 8 inches
Price: $9.00 (shipping/packing included)

Price, Shipping/Handling, Payment Explained
The price includes a partial self-cost of the book from Publishing company plus Shipping/Handling. Compare: Amazon just (Jan. 3 2019) charged $11.28 the buyer of this book, of which $6.08 belongs to me. So, Amazon earns 5 dollars on the book, while I, the author, hardly 1 dollar (I bought my books from the Publisher first, then yesterday I sent it myself to that buyer; Amazon did only advertising in this case just charging me (the seller through AmazonSeller the big fees – about 4.25 for this particular book). With $9.00 directly to me from a buyer I will earn about 3 dollars for my own book, which, by the way does not make much sense, because the self-cost of the book – to order from a publisher – is higher than that. Well, I have the books, that I ordered a while ago, so I want to sell those. After that – we will see what happens. We can plan many things, but life (or Amazon) plans for us something else that we do not expect.
Figuring all it by ourselves. Thank you, Google, for the info!
Thank you, thank you! Without you, Google, I would be quite informationless. And you do not charge my credit cards without my permission like Amazon does. And you do not ignore author’s concern when an author is trying to speak to you. And you don’t treat intellectual property of other people as your own.
By the way, in about year 2003 or 2004 a PhD professor in Fullerton University (or maybe it was San Bernardino? I studied in both) strictly said to us, Master Degree students: “Do not research Google for your reference! The grade for your research paper will be lowered if I notice that. Research only academic journals!” Well, well, I guess that professor uses Google now, in 2019 (I can’t believe this digit of a year already!) for her research! 😀
And, since I am here on a Google note, I want to add, that one cannot compare the quality of Google translation in the beginning of 2000s with the current quality of Google translation from language to the other foreign language. Even the pronunciation is made by a native speaker of that language. No matter that it sounds a bit electronic, like a robot sometimes, however we cannot go without mentioning great improvement in that area. How many people Google helped!
My Comment on August 9, 2020:
Improvement of amazon in May 2019? Hmm! In May 2020 they cut me off from my book portal and from my royalties.
Give me my royalties or remove all my titles (25 titles at least) from your wide web sales!!!
Authors’ Lives and Fair Business with Their Books Matter!
Zoia Eliseyeva on August 9. 2020
**Improvement of Amazon (written on May 18, 2019)
Lately I have noticed a few improved features on Amazon compared to those faults that I described here 3 months ago below this note, marked with one asterisk.
What has improved?
- They stopped charging my credit card.
- They improved the Author’s Central page.
- They corrected the price of my 5-language book based on Edgar Poe to the real price that this book is worth. Thank you, Amazon, for improvements! If they continue, I will remove my previous grumpy critics on Amazon’s behavior. Now, I want still have it for a while, as a record of what has happened quite recently.
* drastic measures of Amazon (written on January 3, 2019):
- They charge $14.20 monthly fee for PrimeAmazon, even if a person did not apply for Prime. They may just sneak into the two credit cards of a person (Just happened to me).
- They do not ask the author about the price on his/her book. Amazon just consider himself (itself) the rightful possessor of all authors’ rights and intellectual property (just happened to me that they priced one of my books 3 times lower imposing the Prime membership with its purchase).
- Amazon rudely violates fair business practices and authors’ rights, and the customer (author, seller) is helpless. I have done my research. If anybody has another opinion, be my guest to share, especially if there is a class action lawsuit against Amazon, because there are innumerous complainers whom Amazon has treated badly and who will be happy to join.
- As a Russian joking song says :”And all the rest is in the complete order, my beautiful Marquise, just in the complete order!” – “А в остальном, прекрасная Маркиза, всё хорошо, всё хорошо!” 😀
- If I were an artist, I would make a caricature of Amazon, where he (it) is a big-size monstrous creature with big teeth having in its hands all people, parking lots, warehouses, etc, and in the lower right corner of the picture there is a crowd of complainers, small figures of people, crying with their hands up towards the monster, asking, begging, complaining. The little tags to those people say “a businessman”, “a seller”, “a book author”, “a file creator”, and so on. This is my sketch for artists – for free! If you do it, you will express the pain of all the people (who are “We Are The People”) hurt by Amazon. 😀
- I want to thank you, an unknown complainer, who just gave this sober advice that I read yesterday online: “If you have your site, don’t ever deal with Amazon”. Because of you, a smart person you are, I have this post today. Because of you, I will have my own measures applied to deal with the monster. Thank you!
- This formatting of the paragraph is not very flexible. Sorry for that, my patient reader and/or visitor! By the way, the wrapping of the pasted text does not work here either very well (I am using the WordPress, their new “block” invention for formatting). It wraps the text breaking words in disorderly uncontrollable manner, so I have to do wrapping of the text manually. Thank you, visitors, for your patience and understnding, that this site is constantly under construction and improvement Zoia Eliseyeva on January 3, 2019 from AZ, USA (sometimes I may be in CA, or, occassionally traveling elsewhere).
** PayPal – I have been with PayPal for 8 or more years. Never anything bad has happened from PayPal. They do charge a fee. If you send me 9 dollars, they will probably charge a few cents fee. Not 4 dollars as Amazon does! By experience I can say that PayPal is the company we can trust with transferring money.
I know this will sound funny (in the both meanings of this definition), but I did have very bad experiences with credit card payment processing machine companies; one of them was First Data ( to remember that exact name I need to look it up in my own UTube “zoiacalifornia” where I was posting my fight with them). They were trying to continuously charge a monthly fee my small fashion store business in CA, that I closed in one year. The fight I had in Feb to May 2014! You see, with me, when bad things are over, my brain has a protective reaction: it blocks all of them from easy reach. That was the bad experience fighting that monster who lives out of deception (by their small print agreements) of small businesses. I had many complainers contacting me on my UTube posts about that fight. We, regular people, who sometimes use services of Amazon and First Data have to learn our lessons a hard way, and then we want to stay away from such traumatic, worrysome, time consuming, and health consuming experiences. Huge corporations lived, live, and will live. We, on the other hand, just need to survive through them.
A reader who uses e-devices of all kinds and screen sizes has to keep in mind the particulars of this book. Because of them, maybe it will not open very well on any device. What are this book’s particulars or features? The format is 5×8 inches. The text takes the whole page – Russian on left side page when you open the book, the English translation is on the right side of the 2 opened pages. It is convenient ton read a physical book like this, however on a small electronic device like Android cell phone Samsung Note 7 the page sized 5×8 will not fit, so your reading of this parallel text will be disturbed by these pieces of the Russian and English pages that appear on that small screen. If you are on a big screen desktop PC, the big chance is that you can read this Kindle edition very well, since the pages will open in their full size.
This is my first book, created when we did not have many small e-devices. Later, in 2014 and after, I started formatting my parallel texts in paragraphs, so that they follow each other, instead of being on the side of each other.