Some Thoughts About AI – Artificial Intelligence

Some Thoughts About AI – Artificial Intelligence – and Where We Are Now in May 2020

I am the kind of person who does simultaneously 4-5 tasks, working on PC, a regular desktop computer, or a laptop. I am not talking here about IPads and all variants of tablets – they are inconvenient, unpredictable, insecure, and I prefer to keep them turned off after I quickly do what I need on them. I know many people will be surprised, but a cell telephone is in the same category as “all variants”. Sorry, cell!

So, working on a PC, I am dowloading a 25MB my own video from my yahoo email, and it goes so slow, that I am opening my German class text and starting editing it.

So my thoughts on Artificial Intelligence are:


Aren’t all these downloads of average size file like 25MB supposed to be a matter of the past and be very quick?


If a regular person is doing a few intellectual tasks at the same time, will AI creation do the same? And with that, experience different emotions, and simultaneously look into other things. For example, suddenly stop and change the activity because something more important just came up, like a mailer brought a box to the house, and I jumped up and ran out to the front door to see if it is for me?


Can we possibly create more complicated things, like workable and serviceable AI, if our internet connection is still shaky and pending? With all the space we have on the planet and out of it?

Isn’t the internet supposed to be free already?


What’s the point of the turn-around screen feature when you read a simple pdf book on a tablet, if during turn-around it loses the page I am reading and I have to scroll every time all from the top beginning of the book to the page I need, that takes about 2 irritating minutes?


Are all the imperfections with electronic devices and their functioning directly connect to the summarizing knowledge of creating a faster thinking device, named AI, that will be imitation of a human being?


I have some – sorry “my French” – stupid reader, or notebook at home, that I never use. It is good only for a few tasks, and it is too slow. How many of these stupid electronic devices we have that we don’t use? Why they keep creating them? (Money, I know. This bad commodity of human race).

Why do I need an AI-robot that looks like me? Isn’t it freaky? Does a scientist who works with such a robot have psychological issues of self-importance that is blown out of proportion? Until now I have seen at least two women who work with a robot who is their spit-copy. One was a stand up, and the second was a lab scientist. These are women at about 39 years old.

Aren’t they are going to be irritated when the robot remains the same age and they look worse in 5 years, older, not as young?

I have many questions about AI and I decided to start this article to put down my thoughts. Things documented may lead to something interesting. Things not written can be forgotten and they will never lead to anything. They are waste of human brain’s time.

May 17, 2020



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