Trilingual Book Based on the Complete Story by A.P.Chekhov

El libro trilingüe – ruso, inglés, español: el cuento completo del clásico ruso A.P. Chekhov “La dama del perrito”, algunas notas culturales (de cultura rusa) sobre del texto, y la comparación de los rasgos de gramática de tres idiomas (la comparación es en inglés).Cada página del cuento tiene un párrafo del texto en tres idiomas. Es muy conveniente para comparar los idiomas. 

The trilingual book – RUS-ENG-SPAN – presents the complete classical story by A.P. Chekhov “The lady with the dog” about love in extra-marital affair. Each page has a paragraph of the story in 3 languages. The book has some cultural notes, and the Supplement in the end of the book gives the comparison of the basic grammatical features of the three languages, as well as the difficulties for students of these languages. 

Книга представляет трёх-язычную версию полного рассказа А.П. Чехова “Дама с собачкой”. На каждой странице один параграф текста на трёх языках – русском, английском и испанском. Очень удобно для тех русских, кто изучает англ. и исп. В конце книги обсуждаются грамматики этих трёх языков в сравнении и характерные трудности студентов, изучающих эти языки. Я – русская, преподаю английский в Калифорнии испаноязычному населению почти 15 лет. Испанский изучала здесь (уже 9 лет). Переводы не мои. Я просто составила их вместе, обсудила некоторые моменты Чеховского текста в примечании, и потом сравнила грамматику трех языков, принадлежащих к трем различным языковым группам (славянской, германской, романской).

Trilingual book based on Chekhov.
The 1st page of the trilingual book.

About My First Book’s Few Editions

I came to USA in 1995 with a student’s visa. Before that I had taught English to the speakers of Russian and Latvian for 5 years.

It was a short 45-day visa. I met an American and we got married in Las Vegas after three weeks after my coming to USA. All the thoughts and worries I started sharing with my diary notebook. I was adjusting in the new country, and I was describing my adventures in search for work, in my new marriage, in my studies, and leisure. Humorous attitude even to difficulties prevails in the book. It is an easy reading and I share the new words and expressions that I, an English teacher, learned in California. My first entry was published in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1996 in the magazine “Nataly” by the editor-in-chief Mark Monusov. Every time he published my story he would send me a copy of a beautiful colorful magazine with my story in it. I finished writing the book after I came back to USA from my first trip back to Russia in 9 years, in 2004. My first marriage was slowly coming to an end. In my last chapter of the book I shared the impressions about Moscow, and Paris, where I visited my French pen pal (we had been pen-pals for 9 years, and now still exchange news on and off).

The book with Russian covers – the 2-nd edition with Russian covers – was published recently by Ridero.

My first book in Russian language,
The 2nd Russian covers edition of the book. There was one 2010 edition covered with English covers that you can see on the site page Zoia’s Books and that can be easily ordered in USA.
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