I bought a clutch-wallet from them. To leave a review is not possible. They have no access there. So I am leaving it here. Do not buy from them a flat clutch wallet. It is a bad quality. They will catch you with a free shipping in USA. And you will be caught like I was. Do not be caught like I was! They sell it on Amazon, too. But Amazon wants you to pay them dues for Shipping forever, while you live. Chicastic does not want you forever, but it can catch you one time. Do not buy from Chicastic!
Self-publishing and Self-editing: Misprints
This mini-lecture, advice, is first written as a comment under my UTube video “SOR JUANA TRILINGUAL SPA ENG RUS POEMA 145 17TH CENTURY” published on January 29 2020. It can be easily found in my UTube channel “zoiacalifornia” just if searched chronologically. It is such an unpleasant nuisance in this case: when published as a video. The only way to correct is is a very long one. I have to unpublish the video and redo the video. I am not going to do it. I will just issue the awareness comment under the video and on my site. It is an important point to remember for self-publishers. I have a book on self-publishing that was written about eight years ago. Since then the technical approach in self-publishing has changed. The essence of my change, for example, is that I do not have anymore that extremely comfortable and easy publishing internet-platform which I used for seven years. Now I have to self-publish using the rules and regulations of Amazon/Kindle platforms – something, that I have never done since 2018, the year when the big switch happened. At the moment, I am collecting, preparing two or three files (English, Russian, and dual-language), which I intend to publish eventually.
The topic I am discussing here could be easily added to my book on self-publishing, as a fresh reminder of the importance of the issue.
Re: the Above Mentioned Video
In Russian language version (blue color) there is a misprint in the third line from the end. The letter “a” is missing in the ending of the adjective “staromodnaya” (старомодная).
This proves once more that one pair of eyes (mine in this case) can go through the text five-seven times and be missing the misprint.
Usually I never have anybody to ask to reread my work. I do everything myself.
And this is a customary occurrence that I see my misprints in a published version.
I apologize for this one!
About a month ago I posted my story in Russian language on a Russian internet site “proza.ru”.
What a surprise I had when I started rereading my story from that site and I discovered that I had a misprint in a root vowel of the verb “to lie in the sun” (загорать).
I felt so bad about it, that I created a little lecture on the topic and posted it here, on zoiacalifornia (UTube), and I went to the site inside my author’s box, and corrected it there too.
Mistakes and misprints happen, happen, happen. If it is one person (author) who can correct them, he or she needs to review his work over and over again, after publishing included.
Thank you for reading my little lecture about misprints of self-publishing and self-editing.
Zoia Eliseyeva
February 15, 2020
California, USA
The Joke “How EASY it is to get your Profile Picture on WordPress”: Just follow the Simple Steps! Enjoy! :D December 28, 2019 from zoiaeliseyeva2.com – Zoia Eliseyeva
All URLs on Gravatar are based on the use of the hashed value of an email address. Images and profiles are both accessed via the hash of an email, and it is considered the primary way of identifying an identity within the system. To ensure a consistent and accurate hash, the following steps should be taken to create a hash:
- Trim leading and trailing whitespace from an email address
- Force all characters to lower-case
- md5 hash the final string
As an example, let’s say we start with “MyEmailAddress@example.com ” (note the trailing space which our hypothetical user entered by mistake). If we md5 encode that string directly, we get the following (in PHP):
12 | echo md5( "MyEmailAddress@example.com " ); // "f9879d71855b5ff21e4963273a886bfc" |
If we now run that same email address through the above process, you will see that we get a different result (again in PHP):
1234 | $email = trim( "MyEmailAddress@example.com " ); // "MyEmailAddress@example.com" $email = strtolower ( $email ); // "myemailaddress@example.com" echo md5( $email ); // "0bc83cb571cd1c50ba6f3e8a78ef1346" |
This can easily be combined into a single line:
1 | echo md5( strtolower ( trim( "MyEmailAddress@example.com " ) ) ); |
Once you have generated a consistent hash, you can then request either an image or a profile.
ENGLISH for IMMIGRANTS Free of Charge in College SPRING 2020 Hesperia California USA
La profesora (con gran experiencia de enseñar) de inglés en Hesperia, California, EEUU – habla inglés, español y ruso.
Matruculamos ahora para estudiar inglés – en la red de colegio de comunidad Victor Valley College – vvc.edu
Por gratis Por gratis Sin pagar nada – ¡¡¡Estudiamos juntos!!!! ¡Bienvenidos!
Free of charge English classes for immigrants in Hesperia, Caifornia, USA
Бесплатные классы английского языка в колледже в городе Hesperia, California, USA.
Преподаватель с большим опытом преподавания английского иммигрантам, Зоя, говорит на английском, испанском и русском.
Регистрируемся в классы сейчас на линии на сайте колледжа! vvc.edu
В этом семестре это утренний и вечерний класс для высокого начального уровня (приходите и с низким, выучите больше и быстрее) – два раза в неделю – по вторникам и четвергам.
В класс включена также одна из компьютерных программ английского, которую Вы выучите автоматически. Как много нового Вы узнаете от энергичного преподавателя, говорящего на нескольких языках и имеющего несколько опубликованных книг!
Добро пожаловать, студенты (старше 18 лет и … до неограниченного возраста)!
FROM the COLLEGE CATALOG INFORMATION ABOUT CLASSES: Section Number, Class Description, Times and Days of the Class:
Spring 2020 Term
Open Now for Registration
Today it is December 28, 2019
Classes start on February 18 and will end on June 11, 2020. This is a non-credit free of charge English (ESL) class, that is also called AENG – English for Adults.
Instructor: Zoia Eliseyeva
(Speaks English, Spanish, and Russian)
The English class has a computer segment too. You will learn a computer program of English within this class.
AENG-10.4-73506 (73506) High Beginning Level Read Write Hesperia High School
02/18/2020-06/11/2020 Tuesday, Thursday 05:30PM – 08:40PM, Hesperia High School, Room W-24 Z. Eliseyeva
Course Section Number
Course Description:
This class is designed for high beginning non-native English speakers who read and write at a very limited beginning level. They will be introduced to reading comprehension skills, vocabulary, spelling rules, and basic grammar.
Spring 2020 Term
Open AENG-10.4-73507 (73507) High Beginning Level Read Write Hesperia High School
Tuesday, Thursday 08:30AM – 11:40AM, Hesperia High School, Room W-24 Z. Eliseyeva
Course Description:
This class is designed for high beginning non-native English speakers who read and write at a very limited beginning level. They will be introduced to reading comprehension skills, vocabulary, spelling rules, and basic grammar.
October 16, 2019: My Dream about Arabic Language
I have created about 12 or so videos of Beginning Arabic language, for Russian speakers, on my main UTube channel “zoiacalifornia”. Additionally, I posted a few fairy-tales (in Russian language) from the compilation “Arabian Nights” (“Тысяча и одна ночь”), devoted to Arabic culture.
Although I am not able currently to devote time to my interest to Arabic, nevertheless, my dream remains. When I am older, and I have more free time on my hands, I hope to find a nice Arabic girl, or a young woman, who would be living not far from me (in California or Arizona, I suppose), and who would be willing to tutor me forever Arabic language. I miss Arabic very much, but life is life. It has its priorities.
I know a very nice young woman from Egypt who lives and works near a community college in California, where I have been employed on and off, for years, teaching English to immigrants. Will it be she or another girl – who knows, we cannot predict future. I have never shared this dream with anybody. Here it it is. I am sharing it with the visitors of this site.
Of course, I am dreaming about learning more of French and Italian, and at least some basics of Portuguese. There is not enough lifetime for my dreams. They are overwhelming. And they may change as time passes.
Audio – in Russian language – for the both texts of the book on Chekhov and Goncharov
OBLOMOV by GONCHAROV Dual Language Book Zoia Eliseyeva
OBLOMOV by GONCHAROV Dual Language Book Zoia Eliseyeva

There are newer editions of this book – after January 2015 with the author “Zoia Eliseyeva”. I will remind here, that Chekhov’s story “Stout and Thin” (Толстый и тонкий) is translated to English by me in this book. Eliseyeva Zoia – is my name in American culture (USA, Estados Unidos in Spanish language), where I have lived since the year 1995. Елисеева Зоя Владимировна – this is how my name looks or would sound in Russian culture, written in Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet if I lived in Russia, where my parents were born, and where my family lived.
Today’s date: October 17, 2019. Day of the week: Thursday. Geographical location: California, USA. Local time: 6 AM.
I appreciate your interest to my work, to my blogs, or video posts!
Thank you. Danke. Merci. Grazie. Shoukran. Spasibo (Спасибо!)
I hope/Я надеюсь
I hope that Russian-speaking parents of young children are able to tell the difference between correct, good Russian language and bad, illiterate one. I now, by chance, came across a site where I saw a children’s fairy-tale posted in a bad, illiterate Russian language. I emphasize, that I am not a political person, and I do not have any favoritism towards any countries, however, I have to mention that the site I am mentioning here is from Ukraine. It is seen from the site’s address. I understand that the creators have already lost the good command of Russian language, however they want to use it to attract the visitors. It is a shame when people cannot edit their own texts and are unaware of their bad quality. With this comment I just want to warn the readers, especially the young parents who teach their children – please be aware of the existence of the bad quality texts on internet. Educate yourself! Go to educated, reliable sources. Do not read to your children distorted language. Russian language is rich and beautiful. One has to learn it, and appreciate its value.
Надеюсь, что родители, которые читают своим детям сказки с интернета умеют различить плохое качество текста от хорошего. Я сейчас набрела в интернете на один сайт детских сказок и неприятно удивилась ужасному тексту сказки на русском языке. Язык исковеркан, отвратительные речевые обороты. Хочется предупредить, что есть и такие безграмотные сайты. Я не хочу делать никаких нападок ни на какую страну в особенности, но все-таки замечу, что сайт тот был с Украины. Это можно заметить по интернетному адресу. Видимо, у людей осталось какое-то плохое знание русского языка и они не стесняются выставлять это на всеобщее обозрение.
Zoia Eliseyeva on February 20, 2019 (California, USA)
Links to My Trilingual Academic Book based on Tolstoy’s “Death of Ivan Ilyich”

Series: Trilingual Books by Zoia Eliseyeva (Book 3)
Paperback: 380 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (January 22, 2016)
Languages (three -the full text Tolstoy’s novel): English, Russian, Spanish
ISBN-10: 1523657316
ISBN-13: 978-1523657315
Product Dimensions: 8 x 0.9 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars 2 customer reviews
Book Description:
This is a complete text trilingual version of the Leo Tolstoy’s famous psychological novel: Russian-English-Spanish. It opens as three paragraphs of the three presented languages on one page. In an electronic format it will run with the paragraphs separated by single, and pages by double lines. The book is a deeply psychological story by a literary genius of Tolstoy. It can be read in any combination of these three world languages. The book can be used by students, professors, or anyone who wants to enjoy the three presented languages. The trilingual text is supplied by the author’s translation of notes from the original 33-year-old Russian edition (Russian to English), as well as with the comments on some of Tolstoy’s vocabulary, and its reflection in the presented translations. Zoia Eliseyeva is a trilingual educator, Russian native speaker in the USA. She has Master’s degree in Education and many publications since 1997: Russian and multilingual.
Heute haben wir Freitag, den fünfzehnten Februar, zweitausendneun-zehn. Das Buch! Check it out! The good shape legs of a female singer will last only a few years while she is young. Your knowledge in three world languages – of the six used by OUN – of the classical psychological novel by Leo Tolstoy will last all your life, making it better and richer with worldly and personal thoughts and experiences. The legs’ viewing – a momentous satisfaction; the book having, reading, rereading, studying, teaching your children – precious ongoing enrichment of your life. Zoia on Feb.15, 2019 from CA, USA
It’s been a while – February 4, 2019
Maybe somebody wants to listen in Russian language Chapter 7 of “Crime and Punishment”. This is the web-page where I posted the audio in 2017.

This is the link: https://zoiaeliseyeva.bandcamp.com/track/part-1-crime-and-punishment-russian-chapter-7
Where are my jokes?
Busy. Busy. Busy. Jokes are coming. In a public library where I am now – no Cyrillic. I came here, into my Posts, with a nice joke in Russian, and then I realized, that there’s no Cyrillic here.
See you later!
January 9, 2019. AZ, USA